Harvard vía Coursera

Advanced Programming in Kotlin

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Acerca de este curso

  • Kotlin and Android
    • Learn how to work with object declarations and experience how they are used. Develop your understanding of companion objects, classes and constant values. In addition, have a walk-through of declaring an object in Android and explore what is involved with implementing a function start for an Activity.
  • Advanced Object-Oriented Features
    • Learn how to add methods to classes using extension functions while defining and using extension functions in Android. Then explore functions for different kinds of collection processing using map, filter, and fold.
  • Functional programming
    • Learn about Lambda expressions, Function types, Higher-order functions and collections processing. Explore how functions can be used as objects, how to use lambda expressions to define functions as objects and how to define and use higher-order and repeat functions. Finally, exploited using collection processing methods with multistep collection processing.
  • Final project
    • Demonstrate your coding skills by upgrading and adding functionality to a Little Lemon menu app so that it can work with a list and can sort and filter. In addition, participate in peer reviews, and complete the final course assessment.