AI & Law

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Acerca de este curso

  • AI and Law
    • The first module of the course provides a general introduction to the field of AI and Law. The module also explores the legal significance of AI software and AI hardware.
  • Legal AI in the Public Sector
    • This module examines the way in which AI is used in public law. The module specifically looks into four distinct ways in which AI is used in the public law context: AI and legal responsibility, in what ways AI can be used in criminal law, how to use AI to model law and lastly, how AI can be used by public authorities and administrations to optimize the services that they provide to us, the citizens.
  • Legal AI in the Private Sector
    • The third module explains the impact of AI in the private sector. The module includes AI and IP Law, how AI can be a valuable source in predicting legal outcomes and lastly, how AI and big data can and is being used to impact the financial market.
  • Selected Challenges
    • In the fourth and last module of the course, selected challenges connected to artificial intelligence within various fields of law are discussed. What kind of impact AI will have in these areas is a complex question and this module addresses several issues regarding the medical sector, labour law and competition law.