Introduction to course and explanation of Civil Rights struggles for the American Deaf community. Detailed explanation of the term “audism”.
Module 2: What is American Deaf Culture? - An Introduction
Overview of commonly used terminology and jargon related to deafness. Introduction to the existence of Deaf Culture.
Module 3: "My Child is born deaf" - Language acquisition
Summary and analysis of communication options for those that are members of the American Deaf community. Introduction of the impact of American Sign Language and the import of language acquisition for deaf children.
Module 4: What is American Deaf Culture? - an Overview
Overview of the Core Values of the American Deaf culture. Explanation of the medical vs. cultural view of the American Deaf community.
Module 5: Education and the Law as it affects the American Deaf community
: Discussion of U.S. Laws enacted that affect the American Deaf community and educational options.