This module will introduce you to the overall theme of the MOOC and to the significance of forward thinking. At the end of the module, you will be able to understand the objectives you should aim for when thinking about the future, to have a better grasp of the overall roadmap this requires especially in terms of anticipation and in terms of reinvention.
Drawing the Map of the Future
This module will introduce you to the basic tools you need to master in order to identify the forces shaping the future. In particular, you will familiarize yourself with the basics of horizon scanning, historical analysis, feedback, microeconomic analysis and cultural analysis. After completing this module, you will be able to understand the factors that can influence future scenarios and to define and describe these potential future scenarios.
Don't Let Risk and Uncertainty Impress You!
After having thought about the forces shaping the future, it is time to think about what is not fixed in the landscape, what is not pre-determined, what is unknown. This module introduces the concepts of uncertainty and risk. At the end of this module, you'll have a better grasp of the strategic implications of risk and uncertainty in terms of decisions in business and beyond. In particular, you'll consider how you can make yourself and your activity more flexible and agile, as well as more resilient.
Becoming a Game-Changer
It is about time we consider the implications this has for you -- because remember, a true leader is not only an effective analyst and manager but also an individual able to act upon information and able to make a true difference in the landscape. This module is designed to help you understand how you can act upon the analysis you've carried out using the tools and the approaches in modules 2 and 3. At the end of this module, you will not only understand how to transform your analysis into a concrete long-term strategy, but also how you may be able to shape the landscape to your advantage.