The proposed course is divided into five modules, that is, five weeks, in which you, as an explorer, can go at your own pace, if you require it. The idea is that you complete the missions in six hours per week, for a total of 30 hours, divided like this:
Module 0. The Earth needs your help!
Introduction to the course.
Welcome to the course.
Presentation of the Galactic Guardians.
Navigation through the course.
Necessary materials.
Module 1. Let's assemble the ship!
Introduction to the chapter.
What is Arduino?
Arduino types.
Why Arduino Uno?
The structure of Arduino Uno.
Construction of the Arduino Uno case.
Module 2. Uh oh, technical problems on the ship!
Basic concepts of electricity.
Electrical and electronic components.
Using a digital multimeter.
Safety rules.
Resistance measurement.
Use and connection of components on a breadboard .
Introduction to Thinkercad .
Module 3. Preparing our ship to start the trip!
Module 4. Returning to Earth!
In each of the modules you must carry out some activities and evaluations, which will help you complete the final mission of our course.