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AWS: Resilient Solutions and Security Controls

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Acerca de este curso

  • Resilient Cloud Solutions in AWS
    • Welcome to Week 1 of the AWS: Resilient Solutions and Security Controls course. This week, we will learn to establish connection between VPCs and AWS services without exposing data to the internet. We wil also focus on scaling data workloads using a fully managed native JSON document database in AWS. By the end of the week, we should have a good understanding to identify right services based on business needs.
  • Security and Compliance in AWS
    • Welcome to Week 2 of the AWS: Resilient Solutions and Security Controls. This week, we will introduced to AWS Network Firewall concepts in AWS. We will also learn on how to deploy network firewall security across your VPCs. We will also learn to scale network firewall automatically to protect any managed infrastructure. By the end, we will able to manage security policies across existing accounts and VPCs on AWS.
  • Incident and Event Response
    • Welcome to Week 3 of the AWS: Resilient Solutions and Security Controls. This week, we will be introduced on how to troubleshoot depoyment issues and other points of failures. We will explore security aspects and cost optimization for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling service. By the end of the week, we should have a good understanding of how to troubleshoot deployment issues.