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Bayesian Inference with MCMC

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Acerca de este curso

  • Topics in Model Performance
    • This module gives an overview of topics related to assessing the quality of models. While some of these metrics may be familiar to those with a Machine Learning background, the goal is to bring awareness to the concepts rooted in Information Theory. The course website is Instructions to download and run the notebooks are at
  • The Metropolis Algorithms for MCMC
    • This module serves as a gentle introduction to Markov-Chain Monte Carlo methods. The general idea behind Markov chains are presented along with their role in sampling from distributions. The Metropolis and Metropolis-Hastings algorithms are introduced and implemented in Python to help illustrate their details. The course website is Instructions to download and run the notebooks are at
  • Gibbs Sampling and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Algorithms
    • This module is a continuation of module 2 and introduces Gibbs sampling and the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithms for inferring distributions. The Gibbs sampler algorithm is illustrated in detail, while the HMC receives a more high-level treatment due to the complexity of the algorithm. Finally, some of the properties of MCMC algorithms are presented to set the stage for Course 3 which uses the popular probabilistic framework PyMC3. The course website is
      Instructions to download and run the notebooks are at