Module 1: Anatomy of creativity
-As we embark in your first creativity course, our first module focuses on understanding what creativity is, how others and you perceive it, and where those perceptions come from.
Module 2: The Importance of Positive Affect for Creativity
-The best of your creative potential brings together the best of your thinking, the best of your feeling and the best of your doing. Because it is often relatively ignored, this module focuses entirely on the importance of affect in creativity. Beyond intellectually understanding this importance, the module requires you to become an active observer of what affects you, versus what does not, in your daily life. It also teaches you how to harness these experiences to get a creative advantage.
Module 3: Shaping Your Creative Environment
-In module 2, we saw how you can work on your internal experience to enhance your creative potential. In module 3, we focus on how you can shape your external environment to constrain the creative process in a beneficial way.
Module 4: Introducing You to Step-by-Step Instructions
-In our last module, we dug deeper into the concept of an environmental variable that received considerable attention in creativity research, and also clearly applied to the business world: the external guidance that you get during the creative process. While many different types of guidance exist, module 4 introduces you to a few examples that have been documented to show remarkable traction in business.