Business English: Planning & Negotiating

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Acerca de este curso

  • Week 1: Exchanging Information
    • Exchanging information is the first step in negotiating. In this module, we’re going to look at ways to request and give information. We’ll also look at how to make comparisons before making a final decision.
  • Week 2: Negotiating
    • In this week, you will receive an overview of negotiations, learn to make a proposal, and also be able to make a concession during negotiations.
  • Week 3: Handling Problems
    • When plans are in place, there is always a chance of things going wrong. In this module, you will learn about the techniques to handle problems as they arise.
  • Week 4: Planning and Announcing Events
    • Planning events can be a lot of work, but has a huge pay off. You will learn about organizing and announcing events before implementing your plans.