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C++ Lab Content

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  • C++ Buffer Overflow
    • These labs are intended to be completed as practice after finishing the Infosec Introduction to C++ Code course. You will be able to practice the labs on the Infosec platform, but progress and results will not be shown in Coursera.
  • Integer Overflows and Underflows
    • These labs are intended to be completed as practice after finishing the Infosec Introduction to C++ Code course. You will be able to practice the labs on the Infosec platform, but progress and results will not be shown in Coursera.
  • C++ Format String Vulnerabilities
    • These labs are intended to be completed as practice after finishing the Infosec Introduction to C++ Code course. You will be able to practice the labs on the Infosec platform, but progress and results will not be shown in Coursera.