Lecture 6 (in the series) - The Structure of the Constitution's Protection of Individual Liberties
How are individual rights protected? In this module we’ll take a look at three of the structures that protect our individual liberties: the state action doctrine, the application of the bill of rights to the states, and the levels of scrutiny principle.
Lecture 7 (in the series) - Individual Liberties
What rights are enumerated in the Constitution? How has the court's understanding and protection of these rights evolved? In this lecture we'll become familiar with the rights that are both specifically enumerated and implied by the text of the Constitution.
Lecture 8 (in the series) - Equal Protection
In this module we’ll examine how equal protection has been applied to different suspect classifications such as race, gender, citizenship, and more. In addition, we will consider how the court has used levels of scrutiny in order to determine when the government can permissibly discriminate based upon suspect classifications.
Lecture 9 (in the series) - The First Amendment: Expression
Why is freedom of speech protected as a fundamental right? What is its importance? In this module we’ll review four possible answers to this question. We’ll also examine the basic principles that guide the Supreme Court’s methodology when examining questions of free speech. Finally, we’ll take a look at the types of speech that have not been traditionally protected and the limitations that can be imposed on where protected forms of speech can be exercised.
Lecture 10 (in the series) - The First Amendment: Religion
In our final lecture module, we’ll briefly examine the Lemon Test, named after the Lemon v. Kurtzman case in which it was first articulated, to see how the court has evaluated cases regarding the Establishment Clause. We’ll also take a look at how the court decides questions regarding the Free Exercise Clause.
As the course draws to a final close, we would like to thank you for your participation.