Module 1.
Introduction to digital transformation Introduction to information technology and its co-evolution with society. Discussion of the background, definitions and cases of digital transformation, with examples in communication and journalism. Proposal of individual and organizational competencies for digital transformation.
Module 2.
Digital transformation technologies Presentation of the technologies that enable digital transformation (IoT, sensors and wearables; cloud computing, 5G networks and serverless computing; robotics and artificial intelligence; 3D printing and augmented reality; and blockchain). Introduction to (big) data analytics, its relationship with the quantified individual, decision making and science and open data, emphasizing natural language processing.
Module 3.
Digital economy Introduction to digital ecosystems in various sectors and in the Latin American context. Presentation of various strategies to conceive and manage digital transformation initiatives (surveillance, ambidextrous organizations and business architecture). Discussion of different business models and forms of licensing. Proposal for a relationship between digital transformation and sustainability.
Module 4.
Digital transformation policy Introduction to the political and ethical context of digital transformation. Presentation of the international context of the Open Internet and the policies of multilateral organizations. Introduction to governance strategies and privacy and ethics considerations. Implications of digital security. Discussion of the future of work in the context of digital transformation.
Module 5.
Digital Transformation for Communication Digital communication: its evolution and convergence, from analog and hegemonic communication to interactive and collaborative digital communication. Models, typologies and formats of digital communication, new roles and profiles of the digital communicator: media versatility, the categories that define digital communication, the basic skills and abilities to be developed by digital communicators, the challenges of the communicator in multimedia scenarios.
Module 6.
Multiplatform content production Transmedialization strategies, the various digital audiences and their levels of participation, tools and Apps for the design of digital communication projects, open source technologies and 2.0 digital tools for communication work, interactivity management with audiences, analysis of metrics: trends, tools and procedures.