Communicate the Business Impacts of Ethical Risks to Diverse Stakeholders
The first module in this course begins by covering the ethical risks a data-driven organization faces, the impacts those risks have on the business, as well as strategies for communicating these ideas. Effective communication to a diverse array of stakeholders is crucial for maintaining their trust, as well as for fostering a culture of ethical business practices.
Design Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive External Communication Strategies
Now that you understand the importance of communicating ethical risks and their impacts, you'll be able to start designing more in-depth communication strategies for addressing those issues. These strategies will enable you to promote your ethical principles and activities to both internal and external stakeholders.
Manage a Crisis, Communicate Critical Messages, and Ensure Business Continuity
Ethical crises are inevitable, no matter how diligent you are in your ethical business practices. You need to plan for this eventuality by ensuring you have a robust and effective crisis management process in place. Communication is a critical portion of crisis management, as it ensures that stakeholders are kept informed of the facts and not led astray by misinformation.
Manage the Media During an Ethical Crisis
You've learned about general principles of crisis management, particularly how to maintain communications with internal stakeholders. But there's another, equally important entity that you need to communicate with during and after a crisis: the media. The media can often be the deciding factor in the continued success of your organization in the event of an ethical crisis.
Apply What You’ve Learned
You'll work on one or more projects in which you'll apply your knowledge of the material in this course to practical scenarios.