Create Social Media Posts using Adobe Illustrator

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By the end of this guided project, the learner will be able to create social media posts using the Blend tool using the blend tool. We will be able to blend all kinds of shapes using the blend tool in Adobe Illustrator. This powerful tool will help you create new objects out of different shapes, create various types of patterns, color blends with gradients, new typography styles, 3D strokes, creative color palette and many more cool tricks. The blend tool helps you create very trendy design elements that you can use in your design journey on any project whether it is an artwork, branding or prints…etc Literally with the blend tool, the sky is your limit.
This project is suitable for beginners, learning to use the Blend tool on Adobe Illustrator will be helpful for you if you are planning to create artwork as whole, like creating social media posts, designing posters, logos, digital artworks and many more ideas, it will become easier for you to visualize trendy design elements in your work and will give you a push to create new layouts. The steps given are easy to follow. Whether it is your first time using Adobe Illustrator or not, I will guide you through each step and hopefully you will get the hang of it. and don’t forget practice makes perfect.

Adobe Illustrator is still by far the most popular vector-based design program in use, both among individual creatives and the design industry as a whole. Illustrator will help you design all you wish for a simple icon or develop complex illustrations.