Instructor: Dr. Eliseo
“Cheo” Torres, from the University of New Mexico
Description: This course will provide information on the history, traditions, rituals, herbs, and remedies of Curanderismo, a folk healing tradition of the Southwestern United States, Latin America and Mexico.
Optional texts:
1. Curandero: A Life in Mexican Folk Healing, Eliseo Torres & Tim Sawyer
2. Healing with Herbs & Rituals: A Mexican Tradition, Eliseo Torres, edited by Tim Sawyer
3. Infusions of Healing, Joie Davidow
For further references on Curanderismo, students are encouraged to read the following books:
Border Medicine
- A Transcultural History of Mexican American Curanderismo, Brett Hendrickson
Week 1
Welcome Video (2) (Cheo)
PowerPoint Introduction/Overview of Curanderismo (2) (Cheo)
Connecting Modern Medicine to Traditional Healing – TEDx ABQ (Cheo)
Curanderismo Exhibition at the UNM School of Anthropology (Cheo)
Week 2
Plants and Sacred Tobaco of Peru (Mino) & Medicinal Plants for women (Bernadette)Week 3
Spiritual Cleansings Limpias Energeticas (Laurencio)
Spiritual Healing (Velia)
Week 4
Laugh Therapy Risa Terapia (Rita)
A Fidencista Traditional Healer: ‘Chenchito’
Week 5
Healing through Sound (Juan Carlos & Viridiana)
Healing Fright and Shock Susto (Rita)
Week 6
Afro-Latino healing through music and dance (Sina)