In this module, we look at pn junction in equilibrium. Topics include: Device structure for pn junction, Energy band diagram at equilibrium for pn junction, Depletion approximation for step junction, Poisson's equation for step junction, Energy band diagram of pn step junction, Beyond depletion approximation, Poisson's equation, Energy band diagram for linearly graded junction, Energy band diagram for heterojunction, and Effect of band alignment for heterojunction.
PN Junction Under Bias
In this module on pn junction under bias, we will cover the following topics: Energy band diagram of pn junction under bias, Capacitance-voltage characteristics, Impact ionization, Avalanche breakdown, Avalanche breakdown voltages, Tunneling current, Zener breakdown, Energy band diagram of pn junction under forward bias, Continuity equation, Boundary conditions, Ideal diode equation, Long- and short-base diodes, Recombination and generation in depletion region, Non-ideal current, Effect of band alignment, and Diffusion and thermionic emission currents.
Metal-Semiconductor Contact
In this module on metal semiconductor contacts, we will cover the following topics: Device structure, Equilibrium energy band diagram, Electrostatic analysis, Energy band diagram under bias, Capacitance-voltage characteristics, Image charge, Dependence of barrier height on electric field, Energy band diagram of Schottky contact under bias, Thermionic emission current, Ohmic contact by heavy doping in semiconductor, Ohmic contact by low metal work function, Surface states, Fermi level pinning.
Optoelectronic Devices
In this module on LEDs, we will cover the follow topics: Basic operating principles of LEDs, Survey of LEDs, Blue LED and solid state lighting, Basic principle of semiconductor laser, Condition for net stimulated emission, Types of semiconductor laser, Photodiode, Avalanche photodiode, Solar cell operating principle, and I-V characteristics and power output.