In this module, we'll examine what inclusion is and why it's essential to any organization's diversity program. We'll also lean into inquiry to recognize our unconscious biases and how these can lead to exclusion.
How Who We Are Shapes How We See The World
After an exploration of our salient social identities, we'll discover how we construct our worldview. We'll become aware of our own perspectives and how these may lead to practices of exclusion.
Privilege, Intersectionality, and Positioning in the Workplace
In Module 3, we'll discover how our social identities determine who has power and who is excluded. We'll also discuss the impact of intersectionality as it relates to inclusion.
Developing an Inclusive Culture
In our last module, we'll apply dialogue and reflection to take action in fostering meaningful inclusion. This will be done through an exploration of psychological safety, challenging biases, and the practice of calling out versus calling in.