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Employment Contracts

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  • Introduction to Employment Contracts
    • Welcome to this course on Employment Contracts! In this introductory module, we will introduce the default rule of at-will employment in the United States. Then, we will discuss the special rules that make employment contracts special. Finally, we will delve into the elements that must be present to create an enforceable contract for employment.
  • Interpretation: The Content of Employment Contracts
    • This module explores the substantive content of employment contracts and the rules that govern what types of terms that are and are not allowed in employment contracts. Many laws have been passed regarding these mandatory rules, such as minimum wage requirements and requirements governing safety, family leave, and termination. Finally, we look at how the law deals with breaches in an employment contract setting.
  • What Happens When Things Go Wrong? Damages in Employment Contracts
    • This module deals with what happens when things go wrong - how are the parties that are harmed by the breach of an employment contract made whole? There are a variety of damage types that courts recognize, and we will explore what remedies are available when an employment contract is breached.
  • Special Topics in Employment Contracts