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Fashion Design

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  • The Fashion Design Process
    • In this module, you will learn the design process from its historical underpinnings through innovative strategies involving collaboration, new materials, and technologies. You will also learn about defining shape and silhouette and how to experiment with assembling, deconstructing, and draping.,
  • Fashion Design: A Sustainable Approach
    • In this module, we will discuss the integration of artisanal and local made-by-hand design and craftsmanship into the design process. Through the lens of 20th century pop culture, we’ll find out how surface pattern design has reverberated through the fashion of the last century and into this millennium. We will also discuss provenance and heritage and ask who owns an idea, and where homage crosses over into appropriation.
  • Collaborative Design
    • In this module, we will discuss how learning to collaborate with other designers and brands is essential to the design process. We will discuss how to integrate new modes of thinking into the design process, including short films and documentaries, storytelling, and performance. We'll also learn how to conceive and create products for multiple end uses.
  • Fashion Trends: Interpretation, Observation and Intuition
    • In this module, we will discuss how to integrate observation and intuition into the design process by interpreting trends and fashion forecasting. We will see how trend analysis can be conducted on a micro and macro level. You will learn how methods used to predict, interpret, and forecast fashion can be viewed through the lens of social movements as well as political and pop cultural events.