Fundamental Linear Algebra Concepts with Python

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Acerca de este curso

  • Introduction to Finding Inverses
    • In module 1, you’ll learn how to define linear equations, how to use Python to find the determinant of matrices and how to perform different commands using Python. We will cover the following learning objectives.
  • Introduction to Matrix Algebra with Python
    • Let’s recap! In module 1, you learned how to define linear equations, how to use Python to find the determinant of matrices and how to perform different commands using Python. In module 2, you’ll learn how to explain different matrix algebra functions, perform matrix algebra on large data sets using Python. We will cover the following learning objectives.
  • Solving Systems of Linear Equations
    • Let’s recap! In module 2, you learned how to explain different matrix algebra functions and perform matrix algebra on large data sets using Python. In module 3, you will learn how to solve systems of linear equations using several methods. We will cover the following learning objectives.
  • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
    • Welcome to the final module of this course! Over the past 3 modules, you have been introduced to and gained knowledge on the following topics: determinants, inverses, matrix algebra with Python, row reduction and, systems of linear equations. In the final module of the course, you’ll apply what you’ve learned to concrete, real-world examples. You’ll practice using linear transformation, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, and solving applications. We will cover the following learning objectives.