Introduction: welcome to the Global Human Rights Teach-Out!
-This is the opening of the Global Human Rights Teach Out, starting on the 17th of October 2018, at 9 a.m. Leiden time. In this module you can not only find welcoming words, but also background information and guidance how to join our conversations. The main activity will be in the discussion forums. Do not forget you can start your own threads. Share your personal stories. Be an eyewitness.
Is Human Rights a Western concept?
-At 10 am 17 Oct I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Stephen Angle (Wesleyan University, USA), who will discuss whether Human Rights is a western concept. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Legal Mobilization of Human Rights in a Time of Crisis
-At 12 PM 17 Oct I am delighted to present Dr. Jeff Handmaker of the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague, which is part of Erasmus University, in the Netherlands), who will discuss Legal Mobilization of Human Rights in a Time of Crisis. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
The pushback against international human rights institutions and how they may respond
-At 2 PM I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Jorge Contesse (Rutgers University, USA), who will discuss the pushback against International Human Rights institutions, and how they may respond. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Linguistic Human Rights and Linguistic Genocide in Education
-At 4 PM 17 Oct I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (Abo, Finland), who will discuss Linguistic Human Rights and Linguistic Genocide in Education. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Myths about ‘global’ English, and the weaknesses of the HR/EU system on actionable human rights
-At 6 PM I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Robert Phillipson (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), who will discuss Myths about 'Global' English and the Weaknesses of the Human Rights / EU system on actionable Human Rights. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
How do Human Rights and SDGs connect?
-At 8 PM 17 Oct I am delighted to present Ms. Kate Gilmore (United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Australia), who will discuss How do Human Rights and SDGs Connect. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
The synergies between Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the SDGs
-At 10 PM I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Christophe Golay (University of Geneva, Switzerland), who will discuss the Synergies between Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the SDGs. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
25 years of women’s rights as human rights: gains, gaps and opportunities
-At 1 AM 18 Oct I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Niamh Reilly (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland), who will discuss 25 years of Women's Rights as Human Rights: gains, gaps and opportunities. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
The Human Rights of Women in Marriage
-At 3 AM 18 Oct I am delighted to present Dr. Nurul Huda Mohd Razif (IIAS, Leiden University, Netherlands), who will discuss the Human Rights of Women in Marriage. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
A Global History of Gender Equality as Smart Economics
- At 5 AM 18 Oct I am delighted to present Ass Prof. dr. Selin Dilli (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands), who will discuss A Global History of Gender Equality as Smart Economics. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
The rights of the child
-At 7 AM 18 Oct I am delighted to present Mr. Christopher Hoffman (World Vision), who will discuss the rights of the child. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Bringing dictators to account
-At 10 AM 18 Oct I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Ezequiel González Ocantos (Nuffield College, Oxford, UK), who will discuss Bringing Dictators to Account. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Willingness and capacities: Key conditions for human rights change.
-At 2 PM 18 Oct I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz (ITESO, Mexico), who will discuss Willingness and Capacities: Key Conditions for Human Rights Change. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Business and Human Rights
-At 5 PM I am delighted to present Prof dr. Sarah Joseph (Monash University, Australia), who will discuss Business and Human Rights. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
World Bank: Applying Human Rights in Practice
-At 7 PM 18 Oct I am delighted to present Mr. Dan Owen, Mr. Oliver Mukarj and Ms. Anna Autio (World Bank), who will be discussing Applying Human Rights in Practice. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Same-sex couples and the international human right to marry
-At 9 PM I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Kees Waaldijk LLM (Leiden University, Netherlands), who will discuss Same-sex couples and the international human right to marry. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Gender, Human Rights, and National Security
-At 11 PM 18 Oct I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Jayne Huckerby (Duke University, USA), who will discuss Gender, Human Rights, and National Security. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
The figure of the "animal" in human rights discourses
-At 1 AM 19 Oct I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Megan Glick (Wesleyan University, USA), who will discuss the figure of the "animal" in Human Rights discourses. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
The principle of subsidiarity and the international protection of human rights
-At 3 AM 19 Oct I am delighted to present Judge Dean Spielmann (European Court Human Rights, London University College, UK), who will discuss the principle of subsidiarity and the international protection of Human Rights. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
The Rise of authoritarian populism in the West
-At 5 AM 19 Oct I am delighted to present Mr. Andrew Stroehlein (Human Rights Watch), who will discuss the Rise of Authoritarian Populism in the West. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Pre-trial detention rights and access to justice
-At 7 AM I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Kerem Altiparmak (Ankara University, Turkey), who will discuss Pre-trail detention rights and access to justice. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Solitary Confinement
-At 9 AM 19 Oct I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Margo Schlanger (University of Michigan, USA), who will discuss Solitary Confinement. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Cruel and unusual punishments: The Death Penalty
-At 11 AM 19 Oct I am delighted to present Ms. Maya Foa, LLB (Director Reprieve), who will discuss Cruel and Unusual Punishments: the Death Penalty. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
The death penalty and terrorism
-At 1 PM 19 Oct I am delighted to present Ms. Soraya Bauwens (Reprieve), who will discuss the Death Penalty and Terrorism. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
International Judicial Protection Of Right To Life
-At 3 PM 19 Oct I am delighted to present Judge Michael O'Boyle, (European Court Human Rights), who will discuss the International Judicial Protection of Right to Life. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
The rise and rise of Human Rights Cities
-At 7 PM 19 Oct I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Barbara Oomen (Utrecht University, Netherlands), who will discuss the Rise and Rise of Human Rights Cities, and will be present in the discussion forums. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Human rights education for personal and social transformation
-At 9 PM 19 Oct I am delighted to present Prof. dr. Felisia Tibbitts (Utrecht University, Netherlands), who will discuss Human Rights Education for Personal and Social Transformation. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
Free Speech on Campus
-At 11 PM 19 Oct I am delighted to present Prof. Carel Stolker LLM (Rector Magnificus, Leiden University, Netherlands), who will discuss Free Speech on Campus. Please also join us in the discussion forums.
The Ideas Bazaar
-Here we will add new podcasts from YOU, the participants in this debate, and possibly other academics who have reached out to us to be included. The fun will start at 1 AM 20 Oct.
LIVE FROM THE HAGUE: the ultimate debate
-Yes, we will do a live session here in The Hague, taking on board all your questions and discussing with some of the presenters what their impressions were of the past 4 days. We will start at 10 AM on 20 Oct