In module one, we will begin to hear some of the real-life experiences of transgender children, their friends and families. We will gain a better understanding of terms like: gender identity, sex assigned at birth and sexual orientation as well as understanding how these characteristics differ from one another. By the end of this module, learners be more familiar with what it means to be transgender and what it means to have a non-binary gender identity.
What is the Gender Spectrum?
In this module, we will explore some of the gender affirming management options available to support the health of transgender children across their lifespan, including the potential benefits of delaying puberty in transgender adolescents. We will examine the medical classification of transgender and take a closer look at how the diagnosis has changed over time as well as the arguments for and against the need for a medical diagnosis.
How Do We Create a Gender-Inclusive Society?
In this module, we will explore some of the concrete steps that healthcare providers, teachers and parents can take to make their clinics, schools and homes more gender inclusive. We will discuss the importance of making basic facilities such as restrooms accessible to all children and we will explore the adverse consequences that can occur when children do not feel safe using public restrooms. We will also discuss the negative health outcomes associated with lack of familial and societal support for the transgender child.