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Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System

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Acerca de este curso

Week 0: Course setup
Installation of Ubuntu-Linux, course simulation setup and supporting software.

Week 1: ROS Essentials
Introduction to ROS Topics, Services, Actions, and Nodes. Simple interaction with the course simulation environment.

Week 2: Build your own robot environment
Software representation of a Robot using Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), ROS parameter server and adding real-world object representations to the simulation environment.

Week 3: Autonomous Navigation
Map creation with GMapping package, autonomously navigate a known map with ROS navigation.

Week 4: Manipulation
Motion planning, pick and place behaviors using industrial robots with ROS MoveIt!

Week 5: Robot Vision
Object detection, pose estimation.

Week 6: Final Project
ROS file system, basic concepts of behavior design with state machines, build a production line application with two industrial robot arms and a mobile robot.