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How to Get Into Cloud Computing

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Acerca de este curso

  • Week 1: Introduction to cloud computing and the roles available
    • This week will be an introduction to cloud computing and the kinds of jobs that are available in this area. We will start the week by introducing cloud computing, looking at its current applications and examining the benefits and challenges. We will then visit some popular roles in cloud computing, explaining the responsibilities and the job functions. Let's get started!
  • Week 2. Real-world examples of the cloud and the skills required to be part of it
    • In the previous week, we introduced you to cloud computing and the roles available. This week you will hear from professionals from industry (Mark from Amazon Web Services and David from T5 Digital) who will offer you advice and look at the skills you need to build to succeed in a career in cloud computing. The final lesson will dive into real-world examples of cloud computing.