This module provides a thorough introduction to AutoSAR by examining both its importance and the underlying ideas. You will explore the AutoSAR basic program, learn about examples of software components, and become experts on ports and interfaces. The interfaces, connections, and composition in AutoSAR will be well understood by you, and you will be ready to maneuver this crucial framework for automotive software development.
AUTOSAR Basics and Core Concepts
This module offers a thorough introduction to the core AutoSAR ideas. With a focus on Real-Time Environment (RTE), you will obtain a complete grasp of application software development in the context of AutoSAR. Sender-receiver, Client-Server, Communication RTE, and event scheduling inside the RTE framework are among the topics covered. By completing the module, you will be knowledgeable about the AutoSAR technique and capable of successfully designing and implementing automotive software systems.
This module provides a practical investigation of automotive software development beyond AutoSAR. The deployment of the Microcontroller Abstraction Layer (MCAL) and the ECU Abstraction Layer will become more apparent to you. You'll learn how to successfully configure ARXML parameters and construct project configurations through practical demos. You will be well-prepared by the conclusion of the module to take on challenging automotive software projects outside the AutoSAR framework, expanding your skill set in the industry.
AUTOSAR Demo - Final Stage
This module offers a thorough overview of automotive software development. Through practical examples, you will gain first-hand experience utilizing CFile to construct ECU abstraction and ASW (application software). Additionally, the module offers an in-depth analysis of composition and real-time environment (RTE), presenting exciting demos. After the module, you will be skilled at creating automotive software components and comprehending how they fit into the overall system.