Introduction to Linear Algebra and Python

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Acerca de este curso

  • Introduction to Matrices and Linear Algebra
    • In module 1, you'll learn how to explain fundamental concepts of linear algebra and how to use Python, one of the most powerful programming languages, to model different data. We will cover the following learning objectives.
  • Using Linear Algebra Concepts in Python
    • Let's recap! In module 1, you performed software installation, learned some best practices, and learned how graphs are used to model data in Python. In module 2, you'll gain the knowledge you need to use linear algebra to solve data science problems. You'll also perform matrix algebra on large data sets using Python. We will cover the following learning objectives.
  • Vector Equations and Systems of Linear Equations
    • Let's recap! In module 2, you learned how to use linear algebra to solve data science problems. Using Python, you also learned how to perform matrix algebra on large data sets. In module 3, you will learn how to define vector equations and use vector equations to model data. We will cover the following learning objectives.
  • Real-World Applications of Vector Equations
    • Welcome to the final module of this course! Over the past 3 modules, you have been introduced to and gained knowledge on the following topics:- Version control - Git Bash, Jupyter Notebook via Anaconda, NumPy and SymPy, and other software tools, Modeling data, Matrix algebra and, Vector equations. In the final module of the course, you'll apply what you've learned to concrete, real-world examples. You'll practice using vector equations to study data sets and provide peer reviews. We will cover the following learning objectives.