Introduction to Multilingual and Multicultural Education

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Acerca de este curso

  • Multilingual & multicultural education: introduction, historical development, concepts, dimensions
    • This module will introduce you to the basic concepts of diversity in education, describe the way multilingual education developed throughout the history, and present its dimensions.
  • Diversity and education: culture and language in a global world
    • This module will present you the historical background of multilingual education in the UK, USA, and Canada and show the way it is realized in the modern era.
  • Multilingual & multicultural education for young children
    • This module will introduce you to the basic ideas of Early and Late Second Language Learning, as well as give an insight into language immersion programmes for young children.
  • Policy and Planning in multilingual & multicultural education
    • This module will show you the correlation between power and ideology and language policies and analyze the factors that contribute to the formation of language policy and planning in education.
  • The teacher and the student in multilingual & multicultural education
    • This module will analyze the role of a teacher in a multilingual and multicultural classroom, evaluate teacher education in Europe and in North/South America and distinguish between different models of bilingual education.
  • Practice in multilingual & multicultural learning space
    • This module will analyze the role of parents and community in multilingual learning.
  • The education of ethnic and cultural minority groups
    • This module will help you understand the complexities of minority group education and present educational programmes that contribute to equal education opportunities.
  • Opportunities, challenges and paradigms in multilingual & multicultural education
    • This module will assess paradigms and prognose future directions in multilingual/multicultural education.
    • The time has come to see how much you have learned during the course.