Introduction to Religions & Ecology

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  • MODULE 1: Course Introduction
  • MODULE 2: The Emergence of the Field of Religion and Ecology
    • We explore the origins of the field of Religion and Ecology and the contemporary context of the Anthropocene, the geological era in which humans exert a dominant influence on climate and the environment. We also discuss the problems and promises of religions in addressing the ecological challenges of our time.
  • MODULE 3: Religious Ecology: Orienting, Grounding, Nurturing, Transforming
    • We first explore the nature of religions as symbolic systems. We then consider religious ecology and religious cosmology as ways in which humans envision their place within the Earth and the Cosmos. To conclude, we explore how religions can orient, ground, nurture, and transform humans in relationship with the planet.
  • MODULE 4: Views of Nature in the West
    • We explore views of nature in the West by first examining the transition from the Animism of the early Mediterranean world to the Monotheism of the later Abrahamic traditions. We then consider the legacies of Enlightenment rationalism and the ways in which the Romantic and Transcendentalist movements responded through their emphasis on emotion, intuition, and spirituality in the natural world. We conclude by exploring how modern science offers a new story for understanding nature within an expanding and evolving universe.
  • MODULE 5: Ecology, Conservation, and Ethics
    • We explore the emergence of the scientific field of ecology and the movement from holism to biometrics in understanding natural systems. We also consider the legacies of figures such as John Muir, Aldo Leopold, and Rachel Carson in shaping the American environmental movement.
  • MODULE 6: Emergence of the Moral Force of Religion and Ecology
    • We explore the global emergence of religious ecological engagement in recent decades. We then focus on religiously-inspired efforts to protect forests before hearing from different voices on the climate emergency.
  • MODULE 7: Building on Interreligious Dialogue: Global Ethics and Environmental Justice
    • We examine how interreligious dialogue and environmental movements gave rise to the Earth Charter, the first comprehensive global ethic integrating ecology, justice, and peace. We then consider the emergence of the environmental justice movement and its implications for marginalized communities around the world. This includes an exploration of the Ecojustice Hub on the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. To conclude, we consider our shared challenges ahead and the prospect of creating ecological cultures.
  • MODULE 8: Course Conclusion