Welcome to the topic of ‘International Reporting Standards’. In this module you will be exploring the two key areas of International Reporting Standards: Drivers for the updating to the International Reporting Standards and Goodwill Accounting.
The module has been designed leaving spaces for you to contribute to your learning by using your own experiences in life and at work. The module should help you to understand and examine some of the changes International Reporting Standards is undergoing currently and the drivers influencing these changes. Working through the module should also help you to identify the challenges faced by the effort and an opportunity to comprehend some of the possible ways to minimize these challenges. Overall, the module should help you to gain insight on the nature of changes happening in the International Reporting Standards while enabling you to reflect on some of the changes which we can anticipate in the future.
Welcome to the second part of the topic of ‘International Reporting Standards’. In this module you will be exploring the two more key areas of International Reporting Standards: Lease Accounting and Where to be in the Future.
The module has been designed leaving spaces for you to contribute to your learning by using your own experiences in life and at work. The module should help you to understand and examine some of the changes International Reporting Standards is undergoing currently and the drivers influencing these changes. Working through the module should also help you to identify the challenges faced by the effort and an opportunity to comprehend some of the possible ways to minimize these challenges. Overall, the module should help you to gain insight on the nature of changes happening in the International Reporting Standards while enabling you to reflect on some of the changes which we can anticipate in the future.