Leading for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education

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Acerca de este curso

  • Leadership Challenges of the 21st Century
    • The system of higher education has grown from a complex history and evolving mission to serve the public good. Higher education leaders and administrators should reflect upon and consider this history and its implications for equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts on campus. This module will help you to recognize historical narratives and present day consequences on campus, from the way students are admitted to the buildings on campus.
  • Bias of Consciousness
    • Higher education institutions have been shaped through a history of exclusion. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Women's Colleges, and Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) are a few examples of these institutions. This module will help you to understand the various structures, schools, and organizations that have developed as a result of historical exclusion and the role each plays in equity, diversity, and inclusion on campuses across the United States.
  • Contested Discourse
    • Social discourse is intertwined with modern issues faced by students on campus. Student movements develop in response to contested discourse and seek to change not only tensions on campus, but address social inequities as well. This module will provide background on contested discourse as well as highlight several student movements addressing contemporary campus issues.
  • Strategic Diversity Planning
  • Rethinking Leaders, Leadership and Leadership Development