Week 1: The Key to Making Change: Self-Awareness
- Introduction to Module
- What is Self-Awareness
- Why Does Self-Awareness Matter
- Toolkit for Building Self-Awareness
- The Big Ideas
Week 2: All about You: Thinking & Changing
- Introduction to Module
- Thinking Styles
- Attitude towards Change
- Putting It Together for Best Job Fit
- The Big Ideas
Week 3: You as a Manager/Leader: What’s Your Baseline?
- Introduction to Module
- What are Management/Leadership Skills?
- Why Do They Matter?
- What’s Your Baseline?
- The Big Ideas
Week 4: Setting Goals & Making Plans
- Introduction to Module
- How & Why to Set Goals
- How & Why to Set Plans
- Setting Your Goals and Plans
- The Big Ideas
Week 5: The Big Ideas & Segue to Let’s Get Personal: Working with Personality Type
- Introduction to Module
- The Big Ideas from Let’s Get Started: You First
- Your Goals & Action Plans: Making It Happen
- The Great Tools from Let’s Get Started: You First
- The Big Ideas