Our global society is not sustainable. We all are facing challenges like waste, climate change, resource scarcity, loss of biodiversity. At the same time, we want to sustain our economies and offer opportunities for a growing world population. With so many pressing environmental issues, we are beginning to understand the complexities of the climate challenges if we take a more holistic perspective on the issue.
A majority of global educators now considers the issue of climate change significant enough to warrant inclusion in the national curriculum. Perhaps it also says something about the role that education can play in helping our students engage with pressing environmental issues. AICTE is bringing this educational reform to better prepare students to respond to the climate emergency and ecological crisis.
The course ‘Linear to Circular Economy’ is committed to a strong focus on environmental, sustainability and circularity. It shall build an understanding of the economic models that emerged after industrialization and their consequences, need for a change that can combat these consequences for the future generations, learning the Circular Economy concepts of sustainability, and comparing the linear and circular economy through different strategies and business models.
The course is another commitment of AICTE to provide quality education by promoting intellectual, environmental, social and cultural vivacity among its students. It is yet another step to evolve a learning process on the topics of international importance, which would empower the future citizens to become global leaders in the emerging knowledge society.
It has been articulated by Ms Shalini Goyal Bhalla, author of “Circular Economy: (Re) Imagining Movement”, India’s first book on Circular Economy. She is the Managing Director of International Council for Circular Economy. She says, “Students need to be the leaders in this major paradigm shift! They can shape a more circular future through new age skills and a global network.”
The key takeaways of the course would be: