Linux: SSH to remote server & Networking basics for DevOps

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  • Project Overview
    • In this 1-hour long project-based course on Linux: SSH to remote server & Networking basics for DevOps, you will create a remote server and SSH into it. You will learn multiple methods of authentication including via password and SSH keys. These concepts will be completely demystified for you in this course. You will learn where all the relevant files live and how to generate new keys on demand. You will learn simple commands which can copy over SSH keys into your remote server with ease. We will then move on to networking where we will learn important networking terminology and the essential commands you will need to get information about your network. We will then run through a common debugging process when encountering connectivity issues. By the end of this course you will be comfortable working with remote servers using SSH, and you will be able to approach networking and debugging networking issues confidently.
      This course is designed for any person working or who intends to work with Linux, from Linux system administrators to developers and DevOps practitioners. Or even if you are a student who is curious to get comfortable with Linux this course is for you also.
      This is an upper-intermediate level course and is designed for an individual who has a solid knowledge of the Linux/Unix command line and Unix crud practices in computer science. You should be familiar with the client-server relationship in web development.

      Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.