Managing as a Coach

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  • Course Introduction & What is Coaching?
    • This module defines coaching as well as the 4 other roles modern managers are expected to play in their organizations: leader, manager, mentor, and trainer. Many examples are provided to help illustrate each role and common pitfalls associated with the overuse of each role will be covered. The module wraps up with a comparison of all the roles managers have and then asks you to identify and explain why you would go to one role over another in particular situations.
  • Why Managers Must Develop Basic Coaching Skills
    • This module covers the many influences on the manager role and how managing and coaching should work together. We'll also discuss why managers are necessary to organizations, and why so many managers don't coach. This module features a great reading on the importance of managers to Google and wraps up with another quiz to check your understanding of the material.
  • Points of View of Leadership
    • This module is all about exploring how your life experiences influence your management approach. In lesson 3, you'll learn how to differentiate between facts about experiences in your life and the stories you tell yourself about those facts, identify your own point of view in a situation, and analyze how that may influence decisions you make. And in lesson 4, we'll discuss the interrelationship between point of view and belief systems and introduce you to the Thought Model.
  • Course Peer Review Assignment
    • Now that you're familiar with the Thought Model, this final module is devoted to you practicing how to use the Thought Model in the final course peer review. This activity asks you to reflect on everything you've learned in the course and apply the Thought Model to a situation occurring in your life.