Mastering Software Development in R Capstone

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Acerca de este curso

  • Obtain and Clean the Data
    • The overall goal of the capstone project is to integrate the skills you have developed over the courses in this Specialization and to build a software package that can be used to work with the NOAA Significant Earthquakes dataset.
  • Building Geoms
    • Show us when earthquakes occurred in different countries, their magnitude, and their toll on human life.
  • Building a Leaflet Map
    • Show and annotate the earthquake epicenters.
  • Documentation and Packaging
    • Documentation is one of the most important and most commonly overlooked steps when writing software, but you're not going to let that happen in your project.
  • Deployment
    • The moment of truth. It's time to push your package to GitHub.
  • Final Assessment
    • It's time to submit your deployed package for evaluation and to evaluate the work of a few of your classmates.