Modern Robotics, Course 6: Capstone Project, Mobile Manipulation

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Acerca de este curso

  • Introduction to the Capstone Project, and Milestone 1
    • Odometry for wheeled mobile robots and its use in a kinematic simulator for the youBot omnidirectional mobile robot with four mecanum wheels.
  • Milestone 2: Reference Trajectory Generation
    • Generating a reference trajectory in SE(3) for the end-effector of a mobile manipulator to achieve a pick-and-place task.
  • Milestone 3: Feedforward Control
    • Feedforward control of the end-effector of a mobile manipulator to drive the end-effector along a reference trajectory.
  • Completing the Project and Your Submission
    • Feedforward-plus-feedback control of the end-effector of a mobile manipulator to stabilize a reference trajectory for the end-effector.