Welcome to the first module! This module will focus on the microeconomics of monetary policy implementation. We study how the central bank balances supply against demand in liquidity markets to target the key interest rate on interbank lending and influence money markets.
Monetary Policy Strategy
Welcome to Module 2! This module will focus on the macroeconomics of monetary policy strategy. We study the how (and why!) the central bank sets monetary policy in response to business cycle conditions in order to achieve a smooth and predictable inflation target.
Monetary Policy and Exchange Rates
This module will focus on the various interactions between monetary policy and exchange rates. We study how monetary policy affects the balance of supply and demand in foreign exchange markets and policies required to stabilize the relative value of domestic currency
Bringing it all together
Welcome to the final exam module! This module discusses regional approaches to exchange rate stabilization in Singapore and China. This supplementary material should help you tie together the application of concepts from the previous modules. However, only materials from Modules 1-3 will be directly covered in the final exam.