You will understand - what is a substation, what are the different types of substations, and the different components that constitute a substation.
Basic Design Parameters, Single Line Diagram
You will know the various factors which influence substation design like altitude, wind, ambient temperature, seismic area etc. You will understand role of industry practices and domestic/international standards.You will also understand why substations are differently configured from each other even though they serve the same function.
You will get an overview of the various types of transformers and their applications.
You will understand the types of cooling methods employed that define the transformer ratings.
You will understand transformer configurations used in industry.
You will get an exposure to the general arrangement of a transformer and its various components.
LV & MV Switchgear
You will know the various types of LV switchgear used across industries with their typical applications.
You will know the major components constituting an LV switchgear along with their functions.
You will know the safety features typically employed.
Control System Components & Control Schemes
Standard components & its application will be explained like PB, control TNC switch, selector switch, time delay relays indicating lamps, terminal blocks.
Station ACDC Aux Power System, DC Systems & DG Set
You will be made familiar with the various types of loads required for functioning of a will then be made to categorise them as vital, essential or non-essential.You will understand how to then feed the said loads. You will be made familiar with the Basics of AC/DC Aux. power System & Its distribution. Learner will be familiar with Aux.Transformer Sizing with case study