You will first learn about the construction details of the different types of cables. You will then be exposed to the various installation methods and cable laying methods and then understand the various cable parameters that are critical to the size selection. Finally, You will be taught about the final step of cable installation i.e., termination and its related accessories.
Surge Arrester, Lighting & Small Power Equipment
The role of lightning arrester and various types of arresters will be explained.
You will be made familiar to the lighting terminologies and the typical characteristics of the light sources.
You will be shown a snapshot of lighting calculation for a substation and then You will be explained about the types of fixtures for each room.
Outdoor SS Layout Engineering
Various electrical clearance requirements & its importance will be explained. You will be exposed to the correlation between SLD and physical arrangement of layout.
Cable Routing & EKD
You will be made familiar with various aspects of cable routing layout.
You will be made familiar with practical aspects of Cable routing.
Representation of equipment and ancillaries in an EKD will be explained to familiarise Yous with layouts.
You will be made familiar with practical aspects of EKD.
Earthing & Lightning Protection
You will be taught the basic terminologies of earthing like step/touch potential, gpr etc.
You will then be exposed to a typical earthing design of a substation as per international standards.
Finally the earthing materials used in the earthing network will be explained.
A more practical approach to make You to understand the Concept for the Lightning Protection Calculation for a MV Substation
MV Substation – Civil Design and Construction
You will be made familiar with the civil engineering related terminologies related to substation construction.
You will be made familiar with Arrangement of the Control Building.
Arrangement of Structures with respect to Clearance, Sag & Vendor GA Drawing
Fire Protection Systems and HVAC for Substations, Maintenance of MV SS and Safety Rules and SOP
You will be made familiar with the mechanical engineering related terminologies pertaining to firefighting and HVAC.
You will be made familiar with Operational & Input requirements pertaining to Electrical & Mechanical for design of HVAC.
You will be made familiar with major impact of fire in SS & importance of fire protection in SS.
You will be made familiar with the need of maintenance of equipment, type of procedures to be followed & records to be maintained.
You will be made familiar with Electrical Safety Rules (i.e. IE Rules) associated with substation.