Welcome to the first topic of the course: Negotiation Skills and Effective Communication. Check out the introduction and objectives of the course below. Throughout this course, you’ll learn the principles that govern the negotiation process and the specific nomenclature of the negotiation argot, including the BATNA (alternative to a negotiation), the ZOPA (negotiation range) and the anchoring technique which is the detonator of the dynamics known as the negotiation dance.
Topic 2. Effective Communication in Negotiation
Welcome to the second topic of our course: Negotiation Skills and Effective Communication
In this topic we are going to venture into the fascinating world of emotions and their impact on the negotiation processes, exploring the ancient dilemma of the emotional and the rational. We’ll do this by first considering emotions in the context of human communication and the three pillars that support it: perceptions, cognition, and emotions.
Topic 3. Interests and Positions
Welcome to Topic 3. Interests and Positions. In this topic, we are going to extend the concept of negotiating beyond the characteristic positions of a transaction, consisting of physical elements like value that we complain (bargain) about. We are going to venture into the underlying interests that make up the foundation of value creation, in which the parties involved in the negotiation process mutually benefit, and at the same time promote long term relationships. This paradigm is known in specialized literature as negotiation based on interests.
Topic 4. Conflict Resolution
Welcome to Topic 4: conflict resolutions. We will analyze the structure of a conflict, using the architecture of the conflict spiral to try to resolve it before it escalates and becomes a confrontation. In order to do so, we enter a counter-intuitive model with a very powerful skill known as changing the frame of reference. This a very effective method to achieve successful negotiations without damaging the relationships of the parties involved.