Module 1: Basic Principles
In the first module you will be introduced into the basics of nutritional science
and you will learn about the different study designs that are used in nutrition
Module 2: Carbohydrates
In this module you will be introduced to the basics of carbohydrates.
Module 3: Carbohydrates and Health (verified learner only)
In this module we will focus on the health effects of one specific group of
carbohydrates: sugar.
Module 4: Lipids
This module will teach you the basics of fats or lipids.
Module 5: Lipids and Health (verified learner only)
This module will start out by discussing cardiovascular (heart) disease and risk
factors for cardiovascular disease, and will go on to explore the effects of fatty acids
on cholesterol.
Module 6: Proteins and Health
The module starts with the basics of dietary protein, and will go on to address the
question of what specific health effects can be attributed to dietary protein.
Module 7: Energy homeostasis sand energy balance
In this module we will look at the balance between food (energy) intake and exergy
Module 8: Weight management
This module concentrates on weight management and the topic of obesity.
Module 9: Nutrition and Sports (verified learner only)
In this extra module we look at the impact of nutrition on exercise