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Our Place in the Cosmos

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Acerca de este curso

  • Specialization and Course Overview
    • Chris Koehler welcomes you aboard the USS Pathway to Space and introduces you to the format, the four courses, the five goals, 146 learning objectives, the crew, and the ship.
  • Space and Wonder
    • Chris and Dr. Valerio Ferme explore the inextricable connection with space and wonder to our journey to make sense of our existence and place in the cosmos.
  • A Tour of the Cosmos
    • Chris and Dr. Erica Ellingson (CUB) take a tour of the Solar System and universe from the perspectives of size, scale and time. [CUB = University of Colorado Boulder]
  • Astrophysics
    • Chris and Dr. Kevin France (CUB/LASP) perform a basic overview of astrophysics and the tools used, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, to understand the cosmos and our place in it. [CUB = University of Colorado Boulder] [LASP = Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics]
  • Space Exploration: Going There
    • Chris, Dr. Paul Hayne (CUB/LASP), and Dr. Carolyn Crow (CUB) discuss discovering the cosmos through spacecraft missions that Go There, such as Apollo, New Horizons, and Juno. [CUB = University of Colorado Boulder] [LASP = Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics]
  • Space Exploration: Viewing There
    • Chris and Dr. Kristy Tiampo (CUB) discuss the study of Earth’s environment and other objects in the cosmos through remote sensing from space. [CUB = University of Colorado Boulder]
  • Extending Science Beyond Earth - Part 1
    • Chris and Dr. Nick Schneider (CUB/LASP) discuss how remote sensing techniques used to study the Earth, along with spectroscopy, are applied to our solar system and beyond. [CUB = University of Colorado Boulder] [LASP = Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics]
  • Extending Science Beyond Earth - Part 2
    • Chris and Dr. Dave Brain (CUB/LASP) discuss understanding Earth’s climate and environment through the comparison and study of other planets in our solar system. [CUB = University of Colorado Boulder] [LASP = Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics]
  • The Search for Life Elsewhere
    • Chris and Dr. Bruce Jakosky (LASP) perform a geological discussion of whether there could be life on other planets or moons in our solar system, or on any of the planets recently discovered orbiting other stars. [LASP = Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics]