Welcome to this course! Here we present the instructor and his team, what we will do in the upcoming modules, and what is exactly Political Economy. You play an important role in this module.
We would also like to hear who you are and what are your expectations from this course. Don't forget to read before that our academic standards and tips and tricks that will help you succeed in this course. Good luck!
Data used in Political Economy
Basic Data. Reviews the basic data of population, output and development used to make international comparisons between countries.
Trust. Argues for the centrality of trust in explanations of differences in wealth and poverty between nations but highlights difficulties in measuring it and in explaining the direct of causality.
Society and Fragmentation
Inequality and Fragmentation. Examines how society can be fragmented along lines of religion, language, ethnicity and income
Governance. Argues that good governance provides a transparent and stable environment for risk assessment and decision-making and contributes to welfare and growth. The question is how to get it.
Economic Development
Development Assistance. Assesses the motivations for development assistance but raises doubts about the extent to which it can overcome local issues.
Let us now focus on the international context of the elements we've seen so far. Globalisation - what is it really? What are the benefits it is supposed to confer and what is the role, if any, left for national governments in today's world?
International organizations
International organization. What role do they play in the world economy?
Non Governmental actors
Even though they do not belong to any establishment or an institution, certain non- governmental institutions can have a lot of power and influence. Who are those actors? How much power do they really have? We will dive into these question in this module!
The final exam! Good luck!
Extra Material
Not for the test - but very good for your general knowledge!