A massive amount of data is generated every single day. In this part of the course, you will discover how this data is generated and how analysts decide which data to use for analysis. You’ll also learn about structured and unstructured data, data types, and data formats as you start thinking about how to prepare your data for analysis.
Data responsibility
Before you work with data, you must confirm that it is unbiased and credible. After all, if you start your analysis with unreliable data, you won’t be able to trust your results. In this part of the course, you will learn to identify bias in data and to ensure your data is credible. You’ll also explore open data and the importance of data ethics and data privacy.
Database essentials
When you analyze large datasets, you’ll access much of the data from a database. In this part of the course, you will learn about databases, including how to access them and extract, filter, and sort the data they contain. You’ll also explore metadata to discover its many facets and how analysts use it to better understand their data.
Organize and protect data
Good organizational skills are a big part of most types of work, especially data analytics. In this part of the course, you will learn best practices for organizing data and keeping it secure. You’ll also understand how analysts use file naming conventions to help them keep their work organized.
Engage in the data community
Having a strong online presence can be a big help for job seekers of all kinds. In this part of the course, you will explore how to manage your online presence. You’ll also discover the benefits of networking with other data analytics professionals.