Introduction, Course-Wide Information, and Software Installation (Start Here)
Welcome! Start here! Learn about this course and how it's organized.
Section 8 and Homework 6 (First Module with Ruby)
Let's get started programming with Ruby, including learning about Ruby's variant of (almost) function closures and the "inheritance and overriding" that is the essence of object-oriented programming. The welcome message has a few additional comments about "what makes Ruby different" and how to approach the (rather different) homework assignment, so let's get started...
Section 8 and Homework 6 (First Module with Ruby): Lesson Choices
Section 9 and Homework 7 (Second Module With Ruby)
Welcome to the second week of Part C where we will focus on how functional programming and object-oriented programming encourage such "exactly opposite" decompositions of problems that they are "more alike than you might realize". This is a key opportunity to synthesize much of what we have learned so far. As the welcome message discusses in more detail, we will go a bit beyond this to touch on some related advanced topics and then dive into the last -- and challenging -- programming assignment, which involves porting an interpreter from ML to Ruby.
Section 9 and Homework 7 (Second Module With Ruby): Lesson Choices
Section 10, Final Exam, and Course Wrap-Up
We have reached the last module of Programming Languages! We first study subtyping, how it relates to static types for object-oriented programming, and how it relates to generics. There is no assignment or quiz devoted only to this last "new material", but there is a "final exam" covering Part B and Part C of the course. Enjoy studying for the exam, and don't miss the final "wrap-up" lesson when you're all done!