Project: Writing a Research Paper

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  • Getting Started
    • In this Capstone project, you will combine all of the skills you've learned in the 4 courses of the Academic English: Writing specialization. This week, you will choose an academic topic to research and formulate an effective research question. By the end of this week, you should know your topic and have a rough outline of your research paper.
  • Research and Annotated Bibliography
    • Last week, you learned about the assignment for this Capstone project, chose a topic, and created an outline. This week, you need to start researching and looking for source material. You will then create an annotated bibliography to submit.
  • First Draft and Introduction Paragraph
    • This week, you should start your first draft. Try to write several paragraphs including the introduction paragraph, which you should submit for feedback.
  • The Rough Draft
    • This week, you should continue working on the first draft. Try to have at least four pages written when you submit the rough draft for feedback. Also, include your Works Cited page for feedback.
  • Revise and Rewrite
    • You're getting near the end. Keep up the good work! This week, you don't have anything to submit. Just keep revising and get that next draft to at least 7 pages. Then revise and revise again.
  • The Final Draft
    • You're almost finished! In this final week, use the time to revise your research paper and edit it carefully. When you're finished, submit it for grading and review three other learners' papers. Then you'll be done!