Renewable Energy: Fundamentals and Job Opportunities

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  • Welcome!
  • Clean Energy 101
    • This module provides a foundation for the course, covering energy consumption and conservation, the importance of renewable energy, and pathways to careers in renewable energy.
  • Sustainability
    • Learners will gain an understanding of the fundamental principles of sustainability, why sustainability matters, and career opportunities in the field.
  • Green Building
    • Learners will develop an understanding of the value of green buildings, fundamental green building principles, and common rating systems.
  • Solar Energy
    • Learners will consider the benefits and limitations of solar energy, and gain an understanding of solar energy careers and educational opportunities.
  • Wind Energy
    • Learners will review the history of wind energy, consider wind as a fluid, explore turbine design and siting, and gain an understanding of wind power careers and educational pathways.
  • Nanotechnology for Renewable Energy
    • Learners will be introduced to nanotechnology and its applications in renewable energy. Careers and educational pathways will also be explored.
  • Final Project: Exploring Pathways to Renewable Energy Careers
    • Using the resources provided throughout the course, you will hone in on a renewable energy career of interest. By assessing your current background and reviewing the requirements for the desired position, you will conduct a gap analysis and be able to describe the education and training needed to enter your ideal renewable energy career. This culminating project leaves learners with a roadmap to a renewable energy career.