As a business administration specialist you will be in charge of creating custom objects, field dependencies, and work flows to track accounts or services. This module you will get your hands dirty and start learning how this would be applied into an organization. As you go through the projects make sure that you are conceptually learning how this may be applied to any organization even though the example is primarily sales.
Module 2
In the age of mobile phones, it is important for an organization to make things simpler for the customer. In this module you will learn how you can use the Salesforce mobile app to track your leads, view reports, and keep your workforce engaged when they are not in the office. You will Salesforce Service Cloud can help you engage with your customer base and keep you at top of mind.
Module 3
We will continue reviewing data security through our virtual sessions - limiting fields, levels of security, and demonstrating the difference between hierarchy and roles. At home, you will focus on creating a process builder with multiset functions on custom objects, change permissions, and restrict access.