Module one covers simple regression, the four different types of regression, commonalities between them, and simple linear aggression. Before completing the graded quiz, you can test your knowledge with the practice quiz.
Simple Logistic Regression
Within module two, we will look at logistic regression, create confidence intervals, and estimate p-values. You will have the opportunity to test your knowledge in both a practice quiz and a graded quiz.
Simple Cox Proportional Hazards Regression
Module three focuses on Cox regression with different predictors. You will have the opportunity to test your knowledge first with the practice quiz and, then, with the graded quiz.
Confounding, Adjustment, and Effect Modification
Within module four, you will look at confounding and adjustment, and unadjusted and adjusted association estimates. Additionally, you will learn about effect modification. Similar to previous modules, you will first take a practice quiz before completing the graded quiz.
Course Project
During this module, you get the chance to demonstrate what you've learned by putting yourself in the shoes of biostatistical consultant on two different studies, one about self-administration of injectable contraception and one about medical appointment scheduling in Brazil. The two research teams have asked you to help them interpret previously published results in order to inform the planning of their own studies. If you've already taken other courses in this specialization, then this scenario will be familiar.