In this module, Dr. Bill Bailey will cover root cause analysis, which includes the 7-step model, counter measure, and "single-minute exchange of die" (SMED). This module also begins with a Yellow Belt Refresher Area, since some learners may have entered this course without having taken the previous belt material. This refresher area does not serve as a "replacement" for taking the material. It is only a "patch" for those who already have some knowledge of six sigma, but find the yellow belt specialization to be too introductory for their current situation. If you find yourself struggling with the green belt material in this course, it is highly recommended that you travel through the yellow belt specialization before attempting the green belt content.
Lean Tools
In this module, Dr. Bill Bailey will cover a more advance use of lean tools, including a look at the lean philosophy, lean goals, and lean systems. You will also be exposed to three important case studies. This module also begins with a Yellow Belt Refresher Area, since some learners may have entered this course without having taken the previous yellow belt material. This refresher area does not serve as a "replacement" for taking the yellow belt material. It is only a "patch" for those who already have some knowledge of six sigma, but find the yellow belt specialization to be too introductory for their current situation. If you find yourself struggling with the green belt material in this course, it is highly recommended that you travel through the yellow belt specialization before attempting the green belt content.
Statistical Process Control (SPC) & Control Plan
In this module, Dr. David Cook will cover statistical process control (SPC) and control plan.
Lean Tools for Process Control
In this module, Dr. David Cook will cover lean tools for process control.
This module is the "capstone project." You should only complete this project if you have taken all three previous yellow belt specialization courses (Six Sigma Fundamentals, Six Sigma Tools for Define and Measure, and Six Sigma Tools for Analyze), AND you want to complete this specialization. It should be noted that completing the Green Belt Specialization does not give the learner "professional accreditation" in Six Sigma. However, successful completion will assist in better preparation for such professional accreditation testing.